Into a deep relationship
The sweetness of a deep relation can only be enjoyed by experiencing it
What is Life?
Is our life just what we see or is there anything beyond?…
Walk With God
Do we walk faithfully with God or do we prefer God to walk with us in our ways!
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Into a deep relationship with him…
What is Life?
Walk with God
What do you smell like?
I do good deeds
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laceydentist.blogspot.com on What is your value?Keenan on What is your value?
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Why Jesus?
The Bible tells us that we have all sinned; we have all committed evil acts (Romans 3:10-18Romans 3:10-18
English: World English Bible - WEB
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WP-Bible plugin). As a result of our sin, we deserve God’s anger and judgment. The only just punishment for sins committed against an infinite and eternal God is an infinite punishment (Romans 6:23Romans 6:23
English: World English Bible - WEB
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WP-Bible plugin; Revelation 20:11-15Revelation 20:11-15
English: World English Bible - WEB
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WP-Bible plugin). That is why we need a Savior!
Jesus Christ came to earth and died in our place. Jesus’ death was an infinite payment for our sins (2 Corinthians 5:212 Corinthians 5:21
English: World English Bible - WEB
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WP-Bible plugin). Jesus died to pay the penalty for our sins (Romans 5:8Romans 5:8
English: World English Bible - WEB
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WP-Bible plugin). Jesus paid the price so that we would not have to. Jesus’ resurrection from the dead proved that His death was sufficient to pay the penalty for our sins. That is why we need Jesus! Jesus is only Savior of mankind(John 14:6John 14:6
English: World English Bible - WEB
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WP-Bible plugin; Acts 4:12Acts 4:12
English: World English Bible - WEB
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WP-Bible plugin)!
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