What is Life?

What is Life?

Its January again – the beginning of another new year in our Life. While we are busy with the celebrations lets take a moment to think.. about our Life.

What is Life?

Is our life just what we see or is there anything beyond?…

A child is born in this world, grows up to become an adult and finally pass away….Is that Life? Or more?

During our tenure on this earth our life is so busy that we often forget what is our life.

As human beings we work hard to live…., but forget to live.


In Psalm 103:14Psalm 103:14
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we read “for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust”

Yes my dear friend, we are mere dust!!!We are made from mud and this mud vessel will return to mud one day.

And in Psalms 78:39Psalms 78:39
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it is written “Thus He remembered that they were but flesh, A wind that passes and does not return”

Here we read our LIFE is just a wind that passes and does not return. How true it is.Like any wind our life also has a source and a destination!The source is always God and the destination is supposed to be God but we have the right to choose the destination while the wind is blowing on the earth. During its passing this wind meets with mountains, trees and even other winds- the ups and downs of our Life. But; remember.. it certainly has a destination and it will end there one day.. While it is still blowing on the earth the decision it takes determines its destination… Good or Bad.

So before the end, shall we take a break NOW from our busy schedule of blowing in the wrong direction and think ” What is my Life? What is expected from my life? Is this wind[my life] blowing in the right direction?”

Genesis 1:27Genesis 1:27
English: World English Bible - WEB

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says-..”God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him..

God created us in his image, but our sins made us part from him.

But he kept loving us…. His love was so intense that he wanted us to come back to him. He didnt want anything to separate us from him.

So He came down to us to save us from our sins that separated us from him- through Jesus Christ.

John 3:16John 3:16
English: World English Bible - WEB

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-For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.

My friend, Jesus Christ came to this world to save us from our sins and establish that lost relationship with God; our creator,our father!He is the way, in which our wind is ought to blow. This way will lead lead us to the designated destination. Whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life.

We are created Not to perish but to have eternal life; an everlasting life with our Father in heaven.Is it not high time we proceed our Journey from NOW through Jesus-the way to our destination before the wind comes to an end?

May God help and bless us to pass in the right direction and end at the right destination!

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